Education+ Key=SUCESS

Education+ Key=SUCESS

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Reflection #19

Homosexuality has become a controversial topic for the American society because most Americans are part of a religious denomination, and forbids homosexuality in their religious group; moreover, it introduces children to an unorthodox lifestyle that is not perceived well with Americans. They are uncomfortable with homosexuality because it crosses the path of religion, and defeats religious purposes of marriage between a man and woman.

In my opinion, I believe that homosexuality is a choice and it is not a genetic disorder as many speculate in recent studies because of the mere implication of teenagers being introduced to it by sexual activity and hormonal urgency. It is a sensitive topic among many and although it is a different lifestyle, it allows one to appreciate the diversity in an individual. I was not exposed to homosexuality, until I reached in my freshman year of high school. I had to change my mind-frame and the naïve knowledge I had prior to knowing about this topic In recent years as I have become knowledgeable about homosexuality, and like many, I am not comfortable with homosexuality; I have come to accept it. Homosexuality has become a topic that has shifted from homosexuality being a possible genetic trait within a person from a choice within peoples’ lives. As many are conducting a study to understand the concept behind homosexuality, there are some misconceptions of homosexuality, such as homosexuality is contagious. In addition to, homosexuality being a sensitive topic within the household, many children are also knowledgeable about homosexuality and its affliation,there have even been children as young as nine to admit they are homosexual; sometimes If a guy has a small characteristics of a woman they are often told they are homosexuals, such as their feature,walk,or voice. Personally, I try to accept people for who they are as a person, not for their personal sexual orientation because we are all human, and we ultimately control what we as individuals believe is moral.

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