Education+ Key=SUCESS

Education+ Key=SUCESS

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Reflection #1

In many aspects these stories reflect the past of ancient human survival skills, invention of transportation,and the use of writing for communication. Ancient humand were unknown creatures to society 200,000,000 years ago.The Era that humans were discovered in Africa they were unusual to other creatures around them. Ancient humans were not provided with shelter, or any amenities existing even a century ago. In their time the limits of survival in their surroundings were limited; essentially what they could provide as food and shelter for themselves, although finding food by hunting animals, and fishing in the ocean. Subsequently, cooking their meals by using fire would be the only source. It would be an effort for survival skills for their era in time. Another survival skill would help them find food, transportation for the hunting and fishing purposes. The invention of the wheel proved to be a challenge of getting around their tribe, village, and homes. Now the humans had shelter, food, and transportation; they needed to find a way to communicate by writing, so tribe and villages would be able share secret codes and talk miles apart. Humans evolved through a expanding change allowing ancient human to nothing, but their surroundings. Some form of communication evolved allowing for the ancient humans to communicate. As teachers’ history, communication, and transportation is essential in everyday life. Teachers are able to apply what was used in the past of survival skills with essential skills used today. Learning is a process; therefore, how to provide for ourselves as humans with the basic necessities as cooking, or grooming ourselves, thus we can pass these basic needs onto our children in the classroom. Many of these skills will be used throughout our lives; therefore, it is our responsibility as teachers’ to educate the young children about how humans prevailed, communicated, and traveled many centuries ago. It is about of history, and exsisted,but without previous knowledge of history like dinosaurs ,and other creatures humans will also be extent.

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