Education+ Key=SUCESS

Education+ Key=SUCESS

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Reflection #2

In contrasting ways, these articles show the diversity in a person, and the positives and negatives to one’s self-image of themselves; how society views them as they transform. Transformation can alter a person’s life there are physical, mental, emotional, and psychological transformations at some point in ones’ life. An individual goes through transformation as early as five-years old adjusting to change from either a day-care to a regular school, or home life to regular schooling. There are different stages that one can allow them to transform over the years; particularly in upper level schools when children and adolescents are convinced their peers are right and parents or guardians are quick to judge. In most cases transformation is essential when a person is uncomfortable with their appearances, and their peers suggest a change rather than accepting ones’ individuality. Despite accepting their peers advice one can decipher either to be passive, or outstand their peers. Consequently by the alterations one has done to them their eagerness to please their peers’ puts a strain on their personality. Generally, the individual who has grotesque image becomes the society’s mocking target, usually results in a outcast level to be accepted, rather than a tolerance level to being an ordinary person. In pressuring, the person can face traumatic depression because a person made a comment about their style, or feature. Parents who have overweight children or teens tend to ridicule them unfortunately often parents can damage a child’s self-esteem, before reinforcing healthier eating habits. Many parents adore their children, but pressure their children to transform to be accepted into society. Transforming over the years can be a recovery process of many. Many of these people who transform themselves even by the smallest of the feature may feel confident about their overall appearance, yet these individuals spend an excessive amount of money that will give them confidence in themselves, as well as society having confidence in their appearances.

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