Education+ Key=SUCESS

Education+ Key=SUCESS

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Reflection #4

In Sam’s case, the diversity class in necessary because as she enters the classroom, as a teacher she will be exposed to different diversities. The class will allow her to change her own mind-set on how to incorporate the diverse lectures to the students’ cultures, deal with the customs in each student’s culture, for example a Chinese, or Vietnamese student looking to a person’s eye would be a sign of disrespect in his, or her culture. As Sam might not realize that it is not the student; however, it is his or her culture. Sam could also learn about how to cope with a student if there is problems arise, and the student comes to her out of confidence. The diversity course will allow her to demonstrate the knowledge she has learned, and incorporate those skills into the classroom. In previous situations I’ve learned how diversity is around us consistently; in retrospect, I can relate to dealing with diversity because I have witnessed first-hand a classroom of students from different nationalities, gender, economic status, and otherwise. I can remember walking into a classroom there were children from all backgrounds: Haitian Jamaican, Hispanic, and one Chinese student. These students were all in low-income families, and their school was very out-dated; however, these students were in gifted classes. The exposure to these students allow me to understand how their diversity, and become more aware of how these students interact in the classroom. As a result, Sam will also capture how a teacher is exposed as she does her community involvement in the classroom. I am comfortable with entering a classroom that allows me to learn and interact with students from diverse backgrounds. This course will also teach me the values that each culture is unique, and the incorporation of the classroom environment will enhance the knowledge profoundly in other cultures as well. Sam will notice a variety of diverse customs, and the knowledge she gains from the diversity course will demonstrate her effectiveness as a teacher with multi-cultural students in the classroom.

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