Education+ Key=SUCESS

Education+ Key=SUCESS

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Reflection #9

There are different stages in which we have awareness, which include intellectual, subconscious awareness and conscious; Awareness is a subconscious mentality, we gather knowledge through awareness and conscious, and being able to apply this to our reality and everyday lives. Awareness is everything that one is surrounded by. In the understanding of how one is able to function in his or her environment. There are two forms of conscious in the formation of the comprehension process; the conscious and subconscious of one’s understanding can derive from their conscious, or subconscious. Although the subconscious, only present in the mind; it does have a significant role in the process of awareness as it relates to collecting and restoring the information. In natural awareness we are in complete understanding. In the field of science, awareness and consciousness relates to quantum physics by relationship involved in one’s country; therefore, it has an identity with culture, and multi-cultural identification as well. As a whole we are subjected to fundamental and essential levels of awareness. Awareness is the actual process of feeling, and the perception is the element that tracts behind it. The perception of something is the conscious of reacting, and our perception of gathering the acquired knowledge all done by awareness. One can be aware of their actions, and conscious of their actions. The physics of science can allow the understanding of having awareness within in the mind, and it gives insight of the capabilities a person may have, once they are aware and conscious of their surroundings. In any event a person’s awareness and conscious allows a person to understand their personal awareness.

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