Education+ Key=SUCESS

Education+ Key=SUCESS

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Reflection #8

The influence of two cultures shaped my understanding of the middle-class society, the Jamaican culture that I was raised in. Compared to the lower-class that my parents, and the country in which they migrated from. In both cultures, as the media describes most “Islanders” are considered to be lower and middle class residents in America. In the social economic status, these cultures are introduced as the middle-class, and lower class. The media depicts “islanders” as foreigners, often requesting government assistance. My parents’ social class allows my siblings and I appreciate the simplest things in life. We were taught to value our smaller items, and give to those who are less fortunate, or even though they could afford continue to help by any means necessary. In the aspect of being a female who is of two cultures, we are depicted to be the house-oriented individual, who cooks, cleans, and provide for the children, not to mention working full-time. All of which are not a challenge in the male’s perspective in the media and within the culture itself. As the matriarch of the family we are regarded as strong-willed women who can also hold a household together. In my culture due to a strong affiliation in religion some of the prevalence among Americans today are not accepted, such as being openly homosexual, that is within my culture. However, in my perspective all should be treated as an equal, I accept a person regardless of their sexual orientation, in fact I have friends that are within this group, but my parents’ values does not condone this type of behavior due to their cultural beliefs. Their beliefs are traditional, and as they believe a man and woman should live as one. On the other hand, I believe it is beyond their decision, and everyone should be overlooked, and it is to the higher power to acknowledge what is correct, and what is inappropriate.The media scorns at homosexuality, and reinforces that those in society who are within this group, should be shunned upon. In retrospect, my social society and my gender plays an essential role in my understanding of the social class and what my parents value, and sexual orientation of those in certain cultures ,such as my own are degraded, and shunned, as I accept everyone within different communities and within society as a whole.

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