Education+ Key=SUCESS

Education+ Key=SUCESS

Friday, October 9, 2009

Reflection # 12

Freud’s theories of the components of our personality are of three stages as the human: ID, Ego, and Super – Ego. In these components there are stages of which as we mature develops throughout our lives. Freud’s theories are important to all because it starts as an infant with ID by the factor of “I want” stage, and carries into the toddler age. ID is described as the factor of urgency in the child, and our conscious minds control this portion. Through the age of four and five we start to develop the ego which is developed by the nature of our environment; therefore, we are developing our own personality as an individual; it is controlled in the conscious of who we become as indidvuals. The super-go is the conscious within; the super- ego tells us of our rights and wrongs in pondering for the decision-making process; moreover, this process elaborates further with a statement, such as “Honor Thy mother”, as the center of the decisions to be eventually initiated. There are three areas of psychosexual stages of development, the oral, anal, and phallic stage, but it is the phallic stage is the setting for the greatest, most crucial sexual conflict in Freud's model of development. On one hand, the ego is the reaction in which takes place from the external force; the results of the ID and Super-Ego relies on the ego formation to act into a reality; In the ego it is dominated by the reality of actual events, but it has to control the Id from the immediate desire of the person. There are various stages in the development of the child, which includes: oral phase, Oedipus complex, cathexis, latency period and genital period; finally, the fixation and regression periods. These are Freud’s stages of age and personality to the human.

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