Education+ Key=SUCESS

Education+ Key=SUCESS

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Reflection #15

In one of the most devasting attacks on a culture, the holocaust has remained a cultural tragedy in the history of the world against the human race. However, as the photographs, stories, and numerical markings on the victims presented throughout the decades that they lived to tell their stories; there are those who speculate the holocaust did not occur. As the millions of people suffered at the hands of one man’s cruel idea to wipe out anyone that did not fit-in the blues eyes, blonde hair category; consequently, Adolf Hitler influenced high law enforcement officers, including the Nazi party, and formed an alliance against those who were Jewish, gypsies, and anyone else that were not in his category to callously murder them under various outrageous circumstances. Although the torture of the Jewish culture was in the most staggering numbers of an estimated six million, there were others that were murdered. Ironically, Adolf Hitler did not fit into the category of the blue eyed, blonde hair; which so many wonder why did he posses an enormous amount of hatred towards a certain group of humans? “The Nazis began to put into practice their racial ideology” by 1933 and by 1945 Hitler began to dominate and initialize the order of his prejudices’.
In the understanding behind the holocaust, many people were subjected to prejudice of one man’s hatred, and eagerness to dominate a country; Hitler used his power of government to belittle a culture that he disliked. In those who were apart of this horrific part of history, it was a surreal experience; believing that one man can dominate and destroy a human race, yet for those who believed that this event did not occur allows one to only realizes if it did not occur because it was fabricated their accusations are absurd. The photos and people’s lives, including family members that survived are actual evidence to rationale the holocaust. In the evidence proven to those who do not believe are in denial stage due to their experiences, and their generation of the stories of survival, or the deaths of relatives and friends; in retrospect the history behind the holocaust it is how the story is passed down, and the generation gap in between the times it occurred, it is based on experiences of situation whether one will believe, or deny.

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