Education+ Key=SUCESS

Education+ Key=SUCESS

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Reflection #14

The word Prejudice has been around since the 19th century, it relates to a person being dehumanized against because of certain attributes that is in correlation to a person, such as gender, ethnicity, race, religion, and disability. There are two types of prejudice that focus on the learning aspect: unintentional and intentional prejudice. The unintentional prejudice,” These types of actions do not allow the observer to really know the intentions of a person”. They are unconsciously aware of the magnitude that offends the person, or child, for instance, A child would appears of a different culture is represented as an outsider, and unintentially is mocked because of the heavy accent they carry from their home country. The unintentional prejudice is commonly witnessed at a young age; primarily in children in elementary school; prejudice is not tangible, it is developed through a person’s surroundings that begins in the home, and the unfamiliar people that their environment consists of altogether. Children within elementary school are prone to their feelings being deeply hurt by bulling. Sometimes, words can have a powerful meaning; therefore, without prior knowledge of their prejudice, they are able become prejudicial.
On the other hand, in the intentional prejudice, people are consciously aware of the discouraging discrimination that one is burdened with, which includes certain racial slurs that many demonstrate; In today’s society, particularly in Florida there are a growing number of Hispanic and Haitian immigrants coming to Miami, and their native language is not English, the students who barely know English are often a target for native English speakers, some racial slurs include, “Go back on the boat to Cuba” ,or you’re in America now, go learn English”. These types of prejudice among a diverse group of ethnicities are common within the community that includes cities filled with immigrants. In the cruelest manner of the prejudice is the discrimination against the Gay, Lesbian, and trans-gender community; these individuals are singled-out because of their choice to live a different lifestyle than the average family consisting of the “American family”, of the man and woman living with their children. In recent years, there is an enormous amount of prejudice about their public display of affection in front of children. This prejudice against this diverse group has caused controversy within the American society.

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