Education+ Key=SUCESS

Education+ Key=SUCESS

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Reflections #13

In the understanding of ourselves, people identify this as ‘self-awareness’; in self-awareness there are components of self, which includes “self-As-object” and “Self –As-Doer”. As we learn about ‘the self’ aspect there sections of how the mind works during this process perceiving, performing, thinking, and remembering belongs with self-awareness; In self awarness,It is how one looks, feels, and thinks; it begins with the influence of the parent, or guardian, then continues into society. As a person who is developing and gathering thought of their ‘self’ as person questions arise from the ego and super-ego of the human. Self is questioned by personal Identity, personal goals, and life-style preferences. “The self has ebbed and flowed with the currents of philosophical and psychological pondering since the seventeenth century when the French mathematician and philosopher Rene Descartes first discussed the "cognito," or self, as a thinking substance”. He developed the common phrase within philosophy as “I think Therefore, I am”, which is part of developing self; meaning how one thinks of him, or herself, reality allows the thought process to react in reality. In a case such as, a student who does not score well on the FCAT test believes because he has poor reading skills, he will fail, and once he has taken the FCAT, his score reveals he failed the reading portion; that student’s thought process allowed the reality to occur. One’s self-esteem significantly identifies with the social interaction with others (external forces). Another attribute to self, is the reinventing process of self-concept and self-esteem. Self concept, “it is a social product and the self of experience made up of what really happened”, and self-esteem, is the how one feels about their selves internally, while the external force contributes to self. The idea behind self is ultimately discovering one’s true identity, and then accommodating the person’s personality to adapt to society. In finding self, we become better individuals that contribute to society and to our environments’

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